Sunday, January 5, 2025

JOYS in January!


Happy New Year 2025!

What a precious reminder Jesus blessed me as the new year began in the verse above! As we begin 2025 together let us continue to find new ways to Stand for Christ together because we too have been made new! 

Please join us this Wednesday evening, 1/8 from 7-8pm for a CCS Praise and Worship night. So many blessings to thank the Lord and give glory to the Lord for and especially with our new building and classrooms! We can't wait to stand together for Jesus with you!

into our new classrooms 
Friday, January 10th!
There will be
for Jr. Cougars 
in Preschool through Grade 5!

The Lord in His goodness and kindness to us has abundantly blessed us with all we need to create more necessary and usable spaces on our beloved CCS campus!  This includes financial provision, amazing and dry weather this fall, and a knowledgeable, diligent, and hard-working construction crew, not to mention our school family's creativity, flexibility, and patience with all the changes and accommodations to our campus during construction, and the list goes on! (Special shout out to Mrs. Greenly and our fantabulous fifth graders for how they endured it all with JOY!)  

We are beyond excited to share that we now have a moving date! Along with this date, we have a calendar change for our Jr. Cougars. So that our primary teaching team can work together to help our teachers move into their new classrooms, there will NO SCHOOL for our Jr. Cougars in Preschool through Grade 5 on Friday, January 10th. 

Thank you for helping us to carry each other's burdens and boxes and for your prayers too!

Jr. Cougar Week 
Coming Soon!

Plans are under way for our annual Jr. Cougar Week coming up On Monday, January 23 and through Friday, January 31st for our littlest preschoolers to our biggest fantabulous fifth graders and all our precious Jr. Cougars in between. Stay tuned to your inboxes for more delightful details coming soon!

Jr. Cougar Carnival

We commemorate the conclusion of Jr. Cougar Week with Jr. Cougar Carnival JOY featuring  games galore, winter wonderland decor, tasty treats to eat, and plenty of playful prizes too. All this and so much more are being prepared especially for YOU!

The excitement, merriment, and entertainment are happening on Saturday, 2/1 from 9:00 -11:00 am in the CCS gym!!!

Be sure to catch the link in the Cougar Update for the ways to get in on the behind the scenes fun and festivities with our volunteer sign up!

We can't wait for you to join in the JOY, fellowship, and fun for everyone with us! to Whoop! Whoop! 

Baby, it's Cold Outside!

Please be sure that your Jr. Cougars are ready for recess JOY with the cold weather clothes; coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and warm socks for their piggies too! (And don't forget the mud shoes!:) 


January 6                        School Resumes
January 20                      No School – MLK Day
January 27-31                 Jr. Cougar Week – PS/ES


  • February 1                    ES Winter Carnival
  • February 7                    MS Conestoga Hoops Shootout
  • February 14-17            No School - Presidents Day Break
  • February 18                  Instrumental Recital
  • February 20                  Evening Open House  

Thank you for allowing CCS to partner with the Lord and you

 to share this part of your child's journey in growing

 spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally, and physically.

Go Jr. Cougars! 

Sunday, December 1, 2024

December Tidings of Comfort and JOY

Our precious Jr. Cougars are practicing with all their hearts to bring "good news of great JOY" and make a JOYful noise praising and worshipping Jesus our Savior! Please join us as we celebrate our most wonderful Savior's birth!

Concert Date:
Thursday, December 12 (1st-5th Grades)

Concert Location:
Conestoga Christian School

GRADES 1 and 2 

Concert Time: JOYFUL (1st-2nd Grades) 6:00-6:30/6:40pm

Arrival Time: Drop your student(s) in the music room at 5:45pm.

WHAT TO WEAR: Choir will deck the halls (or the stage) with your Christmas Best, Christmas Sweaters. Be festive. Characters will wear your costumes.

GRADES 3,4, and 5

Concert Time: "MERRY CHRISTMAS" (3rd-5th Grades) 7:00-7:45pm

Arrival Time:  Drop off student(s) in the music room6:45pm. Please don't come early. 

WHAT TO WEAR: Choir will deck the halls (or the stage) with your Christmas Best, Christmas Sweaters. Be festive. Characters will wear your costumes.

Our CCS HIGH School STUCO (high school student government:) is having a Christmas Spirit Week on December 9th-13th and they have invited our Jr. Cougars to join in on the fun and festivities!
  • Monday, 12/9-   Night Before Christmas - Christmas PJs all the way
  • Tuesday, 12/10 -  Winter Wonderland - Dress in either white or blue
  • Wednesday, 12/11 -  Christmas Color Competition (Red or Green) 
Pre K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11  (Red) 
K, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12  (Green)
  • Thursday, 12/12 -  Two Turtle Doves - Twin Day
  • Friday, 12/13 - Go Crazy Christmas - Deck out in Christmas attire
Please help us to keep our focus on Jesus as the reason for this special season.
Please do not emphasize Santa Claus or other secular Christmas characters.

into our new classrooms 
Friday, January 10th!
There will be
for Jr. Cougars 
in Preschool through Grade 5!

The Lord in His goodness and kindness to us has abundantly blessed us with all we need to create more necessary and usable spaces on our beloved CCS campus!  This includes financial provision, amazing and dry weather this fall, and a knowledgeable, diligent, and hard-working construction crew, not to mention our school family's creativity, flexibility, and patience with all the changes and accommodations to our campus during construction, and the list goes on! (Special shout out to Mrs. Greenly and our fantabulous fifth graders for how they endured it all with JOY!)  

We are beyond excited to share that we now have a moving date! Along with this date, we have a calendar change for our Jr. Cougars. So that our primary teaching team can work together to help our teachers move into their new classrooms, there will NO SCHOOL for our Jr. Cougars in Preschool through Grade 5 on Friday, January 10th. 

Thank you for helping us to carry each other's burdens and boxes and for your prayers too!


  • December 6-7               Cougar Classic

  • December 12                ES, MS, HS Christmas Concerts

  • December 13                PS & K Christmas Concert

  • December 20                Last Day before Christmas Break

  • Dec. 23 - Jan. 3            Christmas Break 


  • January 6                        School Resumes

  • January 20                      No School – MLK Day

  • January 27-31                 Jr. Cougar Week – PS/ES

Thank you for allowing CCS to partner with the Lord and you

 to share this part of your child's journey in growing

 spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally, and physically.

Go Jr. Cougars! 


Sunday, November 3, 2024

Necessities for November JOY


willingness to demonstrate 
considerate behavior to others.
Our Character Counts!

On Friday we had a special all-school chapel about our school-wide mission project to share the love of Jesus with our community.

Our Cougars, big and junior have the opportunity to share God's love and love our neighbors by working with the Twin Valley Food Pantry to bless and bring JOY to other littles and bigs just like them, with toys for Christmas! As the Lord leads your family, your Jr. Cougars can donate new, unwrapped toys to a child in the community who might not have any gifts under their tree on Christmas morning. Donations can be brought into school until Wednesday, November 20th.  On this day representatives from the Twin Valley Food Pantry will join us for an all-school chapel so we can share God's blessings with them of the toys from our Cougars. We will also pray over the gifts and for the children and families who receive them. (All parents are invited to attend this special chapel at 8:10 am in the gym.:) 

We can't wait to celebrate the love of Jesus and His good and perfect gifts to us and our local brothers and sisters during this special chapel and JOYous holiday season.   

(Maybe your Jr. Cougar and you can plan a shopping JOY date together!:)

Speaking of Christmas, here is another special and unique way to add to the early days of putting on your holiday cheer! Gracing our CCS stage this Thursday and Friday evenings at 7 pm our talented middle and high school performing artists will present their version of the  Christmas Comedy "Silver Belles." Celebrate the season while supporting and applauding our very own!

Tickets are available HERE or at the door.

What to do 
if your Jr. Cougar 
is absent from school...

Notifying the School of Absences

  • It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to contact the school office with the reason for the absence as soon as possible on any day a student is absent. Messages can be left on office voicemail at any time. A staff person in the CCS office will call for information regarding an absent student for whom no information has been received.
  • If a parent/guardian does not contact the school to provide information about the absence, the absence will be considered unexcused. If parents/guardians would like to request an excused absence, they need to notify the school within three days. While notification does not automatically excuse the absence, no absence will be excused without notification. If no notification occurs within 5 school days upon return to school, the absence will be identified as unexcused and will not be changed unless granted by the Head of School. 

  • Not sure when to keep your child home from school? HERE are our guidelines.

Running Late...
If the 8 am bell rang, please be sure to check you child in at the office for a late slip before sending them to class. This helps us to ensure your child is safe and sound at all times and avoid inaccurate documentation too.

Planning a Trip...
Don't forget to submit your preplanned absence form found HERE! For effective communication be sure to submit the form 5 school days before you are planning to depart.

Coming Soon to a Classroom Near You!

Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up on 
Monday, 11/25 (morning, afternoon, & evening slots available)
and Tuesday, 11/26 (morning and afternoon slots available).
All you need to know about scheduling 
this special time with the teachers of your Jr. Cougars can be found 
There is NO school for students on conference days. 
 Friday, 11/22 is the last day of school for students!

No Shorts November 
and December 
and January...

According to our CCS Appearance Code which can be found HERE, starting on November 1st, shorts are no longer permitted to be worn unless the daytime high temperature is 60 degrees or above in Morgantown.

While we continue to have spring-like weather deep in the heart of fall, winter is just around the corner :) Please be sure that your Jr. Cougars are ready for recess JOY with the proper outerwear for the day's forecast outlook! (And don't forget the mud shoes!:) 

In just about a week, on Tuesday, 11/12, 6:30-8:30 pm, our CCS parents and grandparents have the valuable and timely opportunity to be empowered with beneficial information about ways you can PROTECT YOUNG EYES in your family and safely navigate the digital world. Check out the information below and sign up ASAP! (Space is limited!)


Below is information about a special fundraising opportunity that will bless, support, and encourage Westin Martin and his family! A double blessing fun family Friday night for your family and theirs! Thank you for your continued and faithful prayers! 

P.S. Don't forget to ask your Jr. Cougar about our surprise visitors last Friday! we praise Jesus for the morning filled with JOY, hope, and encouragement! 🙏💛

Benefitting Delbert & Andee Martin and Family 2.jpg


November 7                 Height/Weight/Vision/Scoliosis

November 7-8              HS Fall Drama

November 12               Retakes & Pics - PS (3's) & Seniors

November 15               1st Trimester Ends

November 25-26          Parent-Teacher Conferences

November 25-26          No Classes

November 27-29          Thanksgiving Break

Thank you for allowing CCS to partner with the Lord and you

 to share this part of your child's journey in growing

 spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally, and physically.

Go Jr. Cougars!