Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Summer JOY!


Splish Splashin' JOY!
Summer Sunshine,  slip and slides, and friends old and new
Bring your smile, your towel, sunscreen, and you
And get ready for some splish splashin' fun in the sun the afternoon through
We can't wait for this favorite, funtastic time under the sky so blue!

Please join us for our 
Jr. Cougar Slip and Slide
  Tuesday, August 6th from 1-3 pm!
Whoop! Whoop!
(The raindate is Thursday, 8/8, same time, same place! :)

Back to School Shopping JOY!
Getting ready for back to school means school supply shopping JOY! If you have been out and about in local stores since around July 1st, you have probably been caught by surprise at the abundance of school supply stockpiles that greet you as soon as you enter. They have been strategically placed right next to the Fourth of July sparklers and summer fun JOY but don't be fooled! There are still a lot of summer blessings and JOY to float your boat through, but just in case you want to dive in to beat the rush you can click the link below to find our school supply lists for the 2024/25 school year! Whoop! Whoop! Please be aware that school supply lists are by grade, not class/teacher. ;) Happy Shopping JOY!

Making a List and Checking It Twice...
So, it's not Christmas yet but class lists for the new school year are almost as exciting as Christmas. Almost! :)  New class/teacher assignments for our Jr. Cougars will be emailed to parents in early August! Stay tuned for more Jr. Cougar school JOY in your email! :)

Thank you for allowing CCS to partner with the Lord and you

 to share this part of your child's journey in growing

 spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally, and physically.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Winter WOWS!

 Jr. Cougar Week 

Our Jr. Cougar Week of JOY will soon be here! It is on  Monday, 1/29 through Friday, 2/2. It wraps on Saturday, 2/3 with our Jr. Cougar Winter Wonderland Carnival...but let's not get ahead of ourselves! 

We are out of this world excited about an exciting STEM activity happening during Jr. Cougar Week featuring OZOBOTS! OZOBOTS are being brought to us by the IU13 and Ms. Judy Trusz, the Nonpublic Math Consultant. Whoop! Whoop! 

All Jr. Cougars from preschool through grade 5 will receive direct instruction as well as get hands-on experience with these unique bots either on Monday, 1/29, or Friday, 2/2.

On Wednesday we will celebrate the love and JOY of the Lord in our elementary chapel and preschool and kinder will joining us. We will wrap up our time of praise, worship, and testimony with an extra special Jr. Cougar connection activity and prayer time. 

In honor of Jr. Cougar week and elementary chapel, we would love to demonstrate our unity by wearing Cougar gear and/or school colors on Wednesday, 1/31.

And as if that not enough JOY, fun, spirit,  and excitement, Mrs. Rischel, our elementary art teacher and Miss Hoover, our elementary PE and computer teacher put some of their own creative flair together for this special week. 

Mrs. Rischel has deigned two coloring pages,one for our younger Jr. Cougars in PS - through grade 2 and one for our  Jr. Cougars in grades 3-5 for a coloring contestColoring pages will be supplied on Monday, 1/29 for a Jr. Cougar coloring contest. Completed projects will be due Friday, 2/9. Winners will be announced at elementary chapel on Wednesday, 2/14. 

Miss Hoover has created a Jr. Cougar Week Exercise Calendar for PS - Grade 5. Calendars will be sent home with Jr. Cougars on Monday, 1/29. Completed calendars will be due Friday, 2/9. Winners (participants) will be announced at our elementary chapel on Wednesday, 2/14. 

Lastly, we will be celebrating Jr. Cougar Week by giving back and blessing our community! In priceless partnership with The Bridge Academy in Coatesville Jr. Cougars have the opportunity to help to supply snacks for the children they serve. Mrs. Liz Taylor, a Jr. Cougar mom who serves at The Bridge Academy shared:

The Bridge Academy and Community Center serves families in the city of Coatesville and surrounding areas. Our mission is to equip youth and families with the tools necessary for academic achievement, life skills, creative expression, spiritual growth and leadership. We have academic programs for students K-12 where we provide homework and specific academic support. We also have evening programs where we have a family style meal, a bible lesson and additional activities. In 2023, we served 411 unique students through our Bridge programming. 7,080 meals were served during our regular programs and events. 2,505 snacks were also served, and 1,200 meals distributed at community events. The Bridge is incredibly grateful to partner with Conestoga Christian School and the Junior Cougars to help provide snacks for our programs!

Jr. Cougars can bring in their snack donations for the children that attend The Bridge Academy beginning on Monday of Jr. Cougar week. Snack donations will be collected from Monday, 1/29 until our eleementary chapel on Wednesday, 2/14. During this chapel we will present the tasty treats to Mrs. Taylor and pray over them and for all the children that will be eating them too!

Mrs. Taylor's suggested snacks are:

Individually packaged snacks are great for our programs. For example, packs of chips, oreos, cookies, granola bars, goldfish, and pretzels. We also always need mini water bottles and juices boxes are appreciated too.

If your Jr. Cougar likes it the children at The Bridge Academy probably will too! 😁😁😁

Jr. Cougar Winter Wonderland Carnival

Jr. Cougar Carnival JOY is coming soon with games galore, winter wonderland decor, and plenty of playful prizes too. All this and so much more are being prepared especially for YOU!

And if that's not enough JOY for you, back by popular demand are sweet and sometimes sloppy puppy kisses, Mr. Parris's messy and marvelous Pie Face (and an extra special guest pie face too), the yummy and tasty Cake Walk, punch cards to participate, and our CCS hoopin' and happenin' house of bounce.

The excitement, merriment, and entertainment are happening on Saturday, 2/3 from 9:30 -11:30 am in the CCS gym!!! Whoop! Whoop! 

To be sure your Jr. Cougar can get in on the action ASAP, you can prepurchase Punch Cards for the fun and games here:

So don't be left out in the cold and snow and come into the JOY, fun, friendship, fellowship, and festivities that are our Jr. Cougar Winter Wonderland Carnival!

Gallon Jugs = Igloo JOY

We need a boatload of your empty, clean, gallon jugs (milk, iced tea, lemonade) ASAP pretty please! Mrs. Greenly and her fantabulous fifth graders have taken on the special project of building an epic igloo during Jr. Cougar Week that will be featured at the Jr. Cougar Carnival! 

There are giant cardboard collection bins in the lobbies of the elementary building and high school building. The gallon jugs collection is happening now through Monday, 1/29.

Our next session of “Science Explorers” is coming up quickly! Our CCS “Glad Scientist,” Mrs. Sunshine Smiley :) is eager for her new clubbers of  Jr. Cougar scientists to join her on 2/14, 2/28, 3/6, and 3/13, which are all Wednesdays, after school, from 2:45 - 3:45 pm. Better get those sunglasses ready because together they will be Blinded by the Light!

SIGN UP your Jr. Cougar Scientist HERE!


  • Jan 29 – Feb 2                 Jr. Cougar Week – PS/ES


  • February 3                    Jr. Cougar Winter Carnival

  • February 16                 No School - Winter Break

  • February 19                 No School - Presidents Day

  • February 20                 Musical Recital 

  • February 29                 2nd Trimester Ends 

Thank you for allowing CCS to partner with the Lord and you

 to share in this part of your child's journey in growing

 spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally, and physically.

Go Jr. Cougars! 


Thursday, November 30, 2023

Business and Christmas JOY!

Business First...
This is a continuation of the impacts of technology on our children and how to keep them safe and secure in body, mind, spirit, and heart!

The link below, from PROTECT YOUNG EYES, shares valuable information about Disney+ including how to set up parental controls to best protect your child/ren.

Trimester 1 report cards will be viewable on FACTS on Monday, December 11. 
Whoop! Whoop!

And Next Christmas JOY...
Our CCS HIGH School STUCO (high school student government:) is having a Christmas-Themed Spirit Week on December 4th-8th and they have invited our Jr. Cougars to join in on the fun and festivities!
Christmas Spirit Week:
Monday, 12/4 - California Christmas  (Dress like it's 75 degrees and sunny on Christmas morning)

Tuesday, 12/5 - Too Cozy Tuesday  (Christmas PJ's / Outfits on Christmas morning)

Wednesday, 12/6 - Wacky Wednesday (Ugly Christmas Sweater or any tacky outfit)

Thursday, 12/7 - Ho Ho Homies Day  (Pick a partner/friend and dress like twins)

Friday, 12/8 - Festive Friday (Dress in either green or red according to your class)

PreK, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11  Dress in Green  and  K, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12  Dress in Red 


During this season of giving our precious Jr. Cougars have the opportunity to share God's love by loving our neighbors right here in our own community with our annual Christmas Missions Project.  


This year we are partnering with ANCHORED MINISTRIES to bless and bring JOY to other littles and bigs just like our Jr. Cougars, with brand new toys for Christmas! (A gift idea list is attached below.) 

As the Lord leads your family, your Jr. Cougars can donate new, unwrapped toys to children in our community who might not have any gifts under their tree on Christmas morning. Donations can be brought into school until Wednesday, December 6th.  (We will present the toys to Anchored Ministries on that day during chapel.) 

IMPORTANT Calendar Change!

11:30am Dismissal on Thursday, 12/14

for Preschool through Grade 5 

(All of CCS Primary Jr. Cougars!)

To help our precious Jr. Cougars to be concert/musical ready for their evening performances and all the details that surround getting ready for the earlier performance times, CCS is planning for an early dismissal.

(11:30 am Parent Pick UP) 

for all our Jr. Cougars in preschool through grade 5. 

(Buses will not be available to us at 11:30am)

***PSC 3's class should be picked up from the rear of the school at 11:30
rather than in the front of the school on Thursday, December 14 for our Primary 1/2 day dismissal. 
 ***Older primary school siblings will be dismissed with 3yr old siblings from the back.
***PreK students should be picked up from car line 
in the front of the school. 

Performance times are:
4:00-4:30 pm - Preschool through Grade 1 - "Follow the Star"
6:00-7:00 pm - Grades 2 through 5 - "Sheep Stuff - A Wooly Awesome Christmas"
7:30-8:30 pm - MS and HS - Concert - "Reason for the Season"

Sunday, December 17th, 4pm-6pm in the School Gym,
our National Honor Society is hosting a MOVIE NIGHT 
to help build community and raise funds to buy backpacks for kids in Senegal. 
 Ana Schreier, our own CCS senior, 
will be going on a mission trip in February to deliver these supplies
 to an orphanage that she has done missions work with in the past.

This is a FREE event, but donations are WELCOME!


  • December  8-9               Cougar Classic

  • December  14                Christmas Concerts

  • December  16                Business Partners Dinner

  • December  20                Last Day before Christmas Break

  • Dec. 21 - Jan. 1             Christmas Break 


  • January 2                        School Resumes

  • January 15                      No School – Martin Luther King Jr Day

  • Jan 29 – Feb 2                Jr. Cougar Week – PS/ES 

Thank you for allowing CCS to partner with the Lord and you

 to share in this part of your child's journey in growing

 spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally, and physically.

Go Jr. Cougars! 


Thursday, October 19, 2023


This week in our elementary chapel after being led in worship through song by our Jr. Cougar Worship Team, we were led in God's Word by Pastor Rick Taylor from Hopewell Church.  (If that last name sounds familiar it's because he is married to our beloved fourth grade teacher Mrs. Justine Taylor! :) Pastor Rick's focus was on our current character trait of thankfulness. His grounding verse was Colossians 3:15:

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
 to which indeed you were called in one body. 
And be thankful.

Pastor Rick explained that the word thankful is translated from the Greek word eucharistia which can be translated to "good grace".  Using student examples, Pastor Rick challenged our Jr. Cougars to not only be thankful for stuff and things but to be thankful for the givers too. God is the giver of all good things by His good grace! (Jr. Cougars were able to express their thankfulness to Pastor Rick because he was the giver of our chapel lesson and our sweet treat of Life Savers candy too! :) We concluded chapel in our Jr. Cougar small groups creating thankful pennants that you will soon be able to enJOY on display in both of our elementary buildings.

With so much technology at the fingertips of our littles and bigs, CCS is committed to increasing awareness and understanding of how to be vigilant in protecting their hearts and minds while utilizing it for good. One of the ways we are doing this is by utilizing a digital platform, NEPTUNE NAVIGATE to support our Christlike Digital Citizenship curriculum being taught in our elementary, middle, and high school programs. Our faculty is currently undergoing training through this platform and our students will follow during the third trimester this year.

In addition to this, we long to help our families in this area as well. To that end, my hope and plan is to share new points of technology information in each blog that appears to have an impact on our Jr. Cougars. Most of the information I will be sharing will be coming from the website, PROTECT YOUNG EYES. Protect Young Eyes is a faith-based corporation on a mission to raise awareness about the many aspects of the world of technology impacting our littles and bigs in small, large, and innumerable ways.

The link below shares a plethora of valuable information about YouTube Kids including how to set up parental controls to best protect your child/ren.

Coming Soon to a Classroom Near You!

Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up on 
Monday, 11/20 (morning, afternoon, & evening slots available)
and Tuesday, 11/21 (morning and afternoon slots available).
Keep your eyes πŸ‘€ on your inbox for how to schedule 
this special time with the teachers of your Jr. Cougars!.

Our Picture Retake Day is on
 Tuesday, 11/14/2023.
Students who are retaking their pictures should present the photographer
their unwanted picture packages as "payment" for their retakes.
The new code for ordering retakes online is:
Retake Picture Day ID #  EVT4MZJTT

For the Concerts and Festivities to Celebrate
the Birth of our Precious Savior
on Thursday, December 14th
Happening on our CCS Campus!

4:00-4:30 pm - Preschool through Grade 1 - "Follow the Star"
6:00-7:00 pm - Grades 2 through 5 - "Sheep Stuff - A Wooly Awesome Christmas"
7:30-8:30 pm - MS and HS - Concert 
More information and details will be shared as we get closer to the Christmas Season!

Jr. Cougars have 
πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—hearts πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—
overflowing with 
GA-GA Gratitude!
Our heartfelt thanks to the team of GA-GA gurus who took their time, resources, talents, strength, and care to reconstruct our GA-GA pit after the construction on campus had to deconstruct our original pit. Our GA-GA pit is once again bringing fun, healthy competition, and JOY to our Jr. Cougars at recess! Whoop! Whoop! This terrific and talented team included Mr. Yos, Mr. Vaughn, and Mr. Bittner.  We also want to share our enthusiastic appreciation to Mr. Delbert Martin from Greencoast Construction and Mr. Linford Stoltzfus from Zook Masonry,  for the cement foundation for our GaGa pit. Finally, we
"Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!"
Let the games begin!

We are just a few days away from the mouth-watering, nose-tickling, tummy-rumbling, finger-licking,  yummy and delicious, fresh and hot chicken at the BBQ coming up this Friday, October 20th! What a tasty treat and easy Friday night feast for you and your loved ones to enJOY together while supporting our beloved CCS! 

After feasting on your tasty foul and a "sweet sleep in Jesus" join us on Saturday morning to try your hand at bidding and winning during our live auction.

Among many unique treasures that you can bid on and win, a most special feature and highlight at our auction are our treasured class baskets!

An enormous THANK YOU to the parents who took the lead in grades 1 through 5 in communicating, organizing, collecting, and assembling this year's class baskets! Another gigantic THANK YOU to all of our super supportive Jr. Cougar families for your generous and creative contributions to the baskets!  YOU and the baskets are blessings to our school! The final steps in the basket process are the eagerly anticipated moments of bidding, selling, and winning them at the Auction.

This year class baskets will be center stage at 9:30 am on Saturday 10/21. Your Jr. Cougars are invited to join with their teacher and class at about 9:20 am to present each basket and encourage bidders to raise their hands in support of our beloved CCS and all of our littles and bigs!


  • October  20-21             BBQ & Auction 

  • October  27                   No School – Teacher In-service


  • November  2                 Height/Weight/Vision/Scoliosis

  • November  9-10           Fall Drama

  • November  14               Picture Retakes & Preschool Pictures

  • November  13-17         Book Fair

  • November  17               1st Trimester Ends 

  • November  20-21         Parent Teacher Conferences – No Classes

  • November  22-27         Thanksgiving Break


Thank you for allowing CCS to partner with the Lord and you

 to share in this part of your child's journey in growing

 spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally, and physically.

Go Jr. Cougars!